Growing Business


Achieving balance in your business, life and for yourself


Taking control and making the leap from chaos to clarity – without going dotty


Making the most of your time, creating systems, staying focused & kicking goals

Support Growth

Women are most likely to fail in their first 5 years of business because of ineffective marketing, lack of financial ownership and no support.

Design a successful business and achieve balance. You take control of the chaos. Rachel will guide you with practical advice around your business, marketing, productivity and even dabble a little in finances (but not in a boring accountant way!)


“Rachel has been supporting THE Rural Woman in a range of areas. She has provided high level strategic direction as well as practical system development.“ 

“After one meeting Rachel had taken information we didn’t even know was in our heads and put it on paper. There is no way we would have thought about what she created for us. Totally worth every dollar…..”

Guiding businesses to growth

Women are most likely to fail in their first 5 years of business because of ineffective marketing, lack of financial ownership and no support.

Design a succesful business and achieve balance. You take control of the chaos. Rachel will guide you with practical advice around your marketing, productivity and even dabble a little in finances (but not in a boring accountant way!)

Is it time you took a fresh look at your marketing?

Join the free marketing challenge below. When you sign up to this series you will receive five information emails to help you take a big picture view of your marketing.


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