By Craig Allan
India Times - 10 features of Google Glass and ways to use it Canadian Awareness Network - 10 features of Google Glass and ways to use it
Over the past few weeks, commentators in the Digital Marketing field have lauded the pending arrival of Google Glass (when they were given a pair to preview) and how search is going to change the way people use online search – it’s not going to be for everyone but at least users won’t look a silly as those who wear those Bluetooth thingys in their ear!
Basically, Google has developed a pair of glasses containing a video screen, camera and speakers that will connect to a mobile device wirelessly, thereby offering a more immersive, immediate and interactive experience for users – see promo video below.
Business owners may say ‘this is just another technology fad’, but think of where online search and advertising has evolved over the past few years; we at Visionary Group believe that it’s going to stand Digital Marketing on it’s head!
The latest marketing trend that we’ve seen emerge is SOLOMO, essentially it’s the convergent effect of Social Media, Local Search and Mobile Technology… it’s the ultimate in how hardware, software and use of technology has synergised into a new way of using the Internet.
For businesses who have already have a Digital Marketing Strategy which is working, then this is a natural evolution of what they are already doing, however for those businesses who are yet to invest in this area, they have two options; work hard to secure your position in the online marketplace, or slowly (perhaps quickly) become obsolete…
At the time of writing, Google isn’t expecting Glass to be available to purchase until possibly early 2014, so the focus for firms should be to cater for existing technologies such as smartphones and tablets – ask yourself how easy it is to find your business on these devices, also how rich is the content being delivered and will it support a potential client’s purchase decision?
Personally, I’m still not sure if I would like to wear a pair of Google Glass-es, however I’m going to try to get my hands on a pair soon or when they go on sale… I ride a motorcycle and I’ve always thought of using something like this in my helmet, even if it’s just to get directions, traffic conditions and the where to find the closest motorcycle parking.
The ‘take-away’ message to this is for business owners and managers to become more aware of SOLOMO – engage an experienced professional and develop a Digital Marketing Strategy – more importantly, don’t palm this off to a Gen Y junior just because they ‘use Facebook’!!
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